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Friday, May 20

12 Step Program part 1

this one has been on my back-brain for a few weeks... more to come


Anonymous said...

Been there, seen it, dropped the group like a rotten potato...

I generally like DMing, but some groups are not fun at all.

The Auld Grump

banzai said...

We have a new system where if you make an off topic or out of character comment you get a red (poker) chip which causes you to fail your next important roll automatically.

On the flip side if you do some good role playing you can get a blue chip which can be traded in for all manner of goodies.

Anonymous said...

The 7th Sea roll-and-keep system had a similar merit-based program...good role-playing earned drama dice, which could be added to important rolls or used to save fellows from death...

Anonymous said...

Think maybe it's time fora another strip?