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Monday, May 15

The Cup of Ka' J'No-Trub

All righty -- the Full color version is up for you all to enjoy.

I'm working on a redesign of the CafePress Store so if anything you wanted was missing give it a few days and I'll have it back up.

I'm also working on thinking up some new designs for stuff -- so if you have any requests lay them on me over at the Forums and I'll put them on the to-do list


Jenn L in Chicago said...

"use the words"... and it only took me a moment to translate :) Tres cool

Corgi said...

LOL! Do we really want to know what that was in the cup?

Anonymous said...

Looks just like you after a few at the Deva party.

Anonymous said...

The Cup of *who* now?

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm, squidish flavour...

Anonymous said...

What do the words mean?

Corgi said...

WOOHOO! Finally! I got the Words!

But we're slipping at Buzzcomics. (get that, 'we'. *snerk*)

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, I really think there might be a special layer of hell for you. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll admit it. I'm dense. I don't get it. Help?

Corgi said...

Anonymous, e-mail me if you've completely given up. If you want to try some more, remember Alan (or Cheyenne) is something of a genre media wonk [winks at Cheyenne].

Anonymous said...

Well I got the klatu barada nicto (finally...)

Anonymous said...

the name of the cup comes from a Kurt Russel Movie... >:)