Twitter Updates

Monday, May 1

Some Night Air


OK -- that is the full version. Special thanks to the folks that have been leading a campaign to boost my listings on TopWebComics.Com and BuzzComix. Both sites now have a vote banner off to the right there --------->

In the unlikely event that I can get into the top ten on either site, I've also made a new banner Ad. Feel free to snag it for your own nefarious plans...


Anonymous said...

Nice. I can't wait to see how the story unfolds from here.


Corgi said...

Woohoo, Cheyenne! Number 98 at Buzzcomics!

Corgi said...

Cheyenne, you probably noticed already, but the link in the TWC post-vote message doesn't work - shows code instead.

Personally, I don't mind, but I have serious and cynical doubts about other people comprehending copy&paste....


Jenn L in Chicago said...

Snaggin banner art! Thankee-sai!