Twitter Updates

Saturday, June 3

Touchy Subject

the new strip is up

Anyone check out the Ghost Rider trailer yet? I wish ol' Nick Cage the best, but I think he should have held out for for Jonah Hex... That would have rocked.

Speaking of which, DEADLANDS is back with a vengance...

...Grim gunslingers, spell slinging hucksters, brilliant mad scientists, and wizened Indian shamans stake their souls and fortunes on the battle against the evils of the frontier, and often lay down their very lives for the cause of righteousness and light. And sometimes, death is not the end.

Now, Yes I did a bunch of art for this game... but I'm not pushing this game just 'cause they pay me -- I'm a HUGE fan. Go check it out DEADLANDS RELOADED

Tuesday, May 23


*** Cue Dramatic Music ***

The all new ArcaneTimes website is up and running (mostly) -- We are on a new server with a new look and I am very exicted about it all.

Special thanks to the Rampage Network for all the work it took to get this up and running. Right now i'm redesigning of the CafePress Store so if anything you wanted was missing give it a few days and I'll have it back up.

I'm also working on thinking up some new designs for stuff -- so if you have any requests lay them on me over at the brand NEW Forums and I'll put them on the to-do list

Monday, May 22

... only so many hours in a day

I thought I'd get this in early -- I 've got a great strip for you guys, however, I'm finally pulling ahead on Girl Genius and I want to stay ahead.

-- Add to that some passes to see X-Men 3 tonight and I just don't think I can get this sucker inked and lettered today.

So you are getting it tommorow.

---- X-Men Update -----

Well I'm back from the film. So a short review is in order...

It's much darker, with a real high body count. I was quite supprised -- oh!... and stay though the credits :)

Monday, May 15

The Cup of Ka' J'No-Trub

All righty -- the Full color version is up for you all to enjoy.

I'm working on a redesign of the CafePress Store so if anything you wanted was missing give it a few days and I'll have it back up.

I'm also working on thinking up some new designs for stuff -- so if you have any requests lay them on me over at the Forums and I'll put them on the to-do list

Friday, May 12

Chapter Two -- In Color!

OK -- the full color version of the Chapter Two pin-up should be visible. Enjoy

Tuesday, May 9

...The ATC Forum

For those of you that are into that sort of thing, I just opened a Forum -- HERE IT IS! Enjoy.

Monday, May 8

Chapter Two

Hey - this is the update this week. I hope you guys don't mind a pinup now and then. I'll have a color version in a few days.

I want to say thanks to all the folks that have been leaving comments lately. It really helps me want to keep updating. Often in this line of work, you feel like you are throwing stones at the ocean. The comments prove that there are actual readers out there.

*** addendum ***

to Anders-
I may be able to do commission work from time to time (as my schedule opens up). When I have the chance -- I'll post a heads-up here.

Meanwhile -- after the success of the ArcaneTimes sketchbook on eBay, we are going to try putting up some original art -- both ATC strips and stuff from my RPG work. Rest assured, links will be provided

Sunday, May 7

... charity auction

I'd like to draw your attention to another auction that I'm a part of. This one is for a Deadlands Reloaded Limited Edition #1 of 1000 exclusive. Ah hell... here is the press release

Only 1000 of these 256 page, full color leatherette books were printed. The others will be available in games stores, the Pinnacle Entertainment website, and the Studio 2 Publishing website. Each individually numbered book has a gold foil Hanging Judge on the cover and is signed by Deadlands'creator, Shane Hensley. Inside you'll find all the setting information and new rules you need to play in the Weird West, including rules for shootouts at High Noon, new Edges and Hindrances, new powers, a savage change to melee damage, a complete history of the Weird West, and more creepy critters than you can throw a tomahawk at.

The #1 (of 1000) book includes a special message from Shane and a custom sketch determined by YOU from Cheyenne Wright! You can get a picture of Stone, Ronan Lynch, Smilin' Jack, or even your very OWN Deadlands character by Pinnacle's best-known artist!

And if you're still looking for a reason to bid, all the proceeds of the auction will be going to the Fisher House Foundation (EIN#11-3158401), who build and donate Fisher Houses at military/VA medical centers, support existing houses, help military families in need and award Scholarships for Military Children.

...So there you go

Monday, May 1

Some Night Air


OK -- that is the full version. Special thanks to the folks that have been leading a campaign to boost my listings on TopWebComics.Com and BuzzComix. Both sites now have a vote banner off to the right there --------->

In the unlikely event that I can get into the top ten on either site, I've also made a new banner Ad. Feel free to snag it for your own nefarious plans...

Friday, April 28

...and now a word from our sponser

At the risk of becoming Firefly centric or pissing off Scott Kurtz and all those fine folks at Think Geek -- I give you Mal Shot First

I made this for me -- but I thought you might guys might want one too.

While we are at it. Allow me to draw your attention to This Ebay Item! A copy of my very first Convention Sketchbook. Chock full of game art, sketches, strips, and other goodies. The winner will also get an original sketch of their choice in the inside cover.

Monday, April 24

The Window

OK -- here is the final color page. -- a big prize goes to the Anonymous commenter that managed to guess the EXACT joke I had written for the page.

Hmmm... Should I take that as a good thing -- that folks can follow my story just via the art?

Or should I be worried? Are my jokes lame and predictable?

To Mr. or Ms. Anonymous -- you can redeem your prize at the local traveling circus. Just hand over your wallet to the first carnie you see (for identifying purposes) and tell them the secret passphrase
"I'd Like What I Deserve, Please"

then close your eyes and count to ten. :)

Monday, April 10

...As You Know Bob

ok - big info-dump this time around, but it's important. This strip sets the concept from here on out, and is the whole basis for the redesign.

Gag-a-day jokes are a great way to show off and be funny, but I wanted... more. This gives me a much bigger sandlot to play in. It also helps me put some distance between Me and Alan.

Easily half my cast from the original strip was based on real people. I've learned that real people like being turned into cartoon characters. I've also learned that they then want to become very involved in the writing of those characters, and it can be troublesome to write around the things that might get me a "I wouldn't do that" phone call (not that anyone has done that -- it just becomes a worry that they might). Not to mention the people that get pissed because I didn't base a character on them. To sum up -- Real people are a lot of baggage.

So now I'm making up pure fiction. I'm drawing characters with only the slimmest idea of who or what they are. What's the story with the flaming green skeleton? No clue. You'll find out when I do.

Enjoy the ride.

Fogg House

Hey -- getting back on track. Hope you like.

Tuesday, March 21

He's Baaaack!

Howdy all. ...So, um how you been?

good good... glad to hear it - mmm? oh me, I've been good. A little of this a little of that... you know. I'm still coloring for Girl Genius of course, in fact the fourth collection has finally arrived from the printers and should be hitting stores real soon soon.

It was a great relief to finally see the backup story "Fan Fiction" in the flesh - so to speak. I had been really worried about how the colors were going to come out. It looks good and I'm very happy with it.

Which is great because that means we will have them on the table at Emerald City Comic Con. Where I'll also have my very first convention sketchbook "I Think We Lost 'Em" - for sale.

I took a trip to NYC for the New York Comic Con -- which... had some issues *rimshot* But I got to meet a bunch of cool people like Kyle Baker , Jodi Jett and the lovely folks at Sequart .

I also got to meet some really great fans -- FAN'S!! of My comic! How cool is that! (Hi Kim!). It was very unexpected and a great treat.

I figure that if you read this strip you probably read GG as well, but if you don't -- You probably missed that I've put together an old time radio podcast out of the live performances we do at sci-fi cons. You can learn more and subscribe to the feed HERE. We've received a lot of good feedback on the show, some mentions by some of the cooler cats out there like Escape Pod and the Kick Ass Mystic Ninjas -- both of which I recommend listening to...

Podcasting is a hoot and I'm looking forward to doing more of it, as soon as I can find a good gimmick.

So... let's see... New GG trade, Emerald City Con, Sketchbook, Fans are cool, Podcasting is fun... yeah, that about covers it.

...Oh wait -- I'm getting Married. -- TTFN

Sunday, January 1

Lazy Sunday

"...Mr.Pibb + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious"
If you haven't seen This yet, go watch it now.